In- Person Worship
Welcome Back, St. Stephen!
St. Stephen has officially opened for weekly Sunday service. If in person, there is no on-line registration. It is open to everyone. You will be required to sign in when you arrive. You must wear a mask covering nose and mouth at all times. If you don’t attend in person, we can still be seen on facebook or you can call the conference call number and listen in.
If you, a family member or a friend, contract Covid19, please notify the church by emailing If you have specific contact information of the infected person(s), we will notify those who have been in direct contact with them.
Church Building Requirements
- There will be only one Sunday service starting at 10:00 am. Doors will be opened at 9:40 am.
- Doors will be propped open or the doors will be held open for you in order to keep the surfaces clean.
- Masks are REQUIRED which cover the nose and mouth at all times for all children 2 years old and older and all adults. There will be LIMITED number of masks available each Sunday.
- Hand sanitizer will be stationed throughout the building and will be given to each individual before being escorted to their seat by a church leader.
- Offering baskets will NOT be passed around – An usher and basket will be located at the back of the church for you to drop your contributions in as you leave (as always, you can give ONLINE)
- The church encourages the paying of any contribution online as the preferred method of receiving donations using PayPal and Cash App.
Communion (First Sunday)
- Individually sanitized pre-packaged juice/wafer cups will be set on freshly sanitized trays by a designated gloved and masked stewardess or church leader.
- Assigned gloved and masked stewardesses or church leaders will stand at the entrance of the sanctuary and hand each person entering the prepackaged communion cup along with an individually packaged sanitizing wipe.
- There will be masked/gloved church leaders at the sanctuary doors with a trash bin for congregants to throw away their cup as they leave at the end of service.
- You are elderly
- You are immune-compromised
- You live with someone who is elderly or immune-compromised
- You have young children who cannot sit through a service
- You are simply uncomfortable attending in person at this time
- You have been exposed to COVID-19 or are experiencing any COVID-19 symptoms.
"Bring Ye all the tithes into the storehouse..."
Online Giving